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Round 4 BICA Microgrant Application Due

Small things are in.

Microbrewing, microdosing, microcomputing — so we’re giving out microgrants. Artists and curators are frequently asked to donate their time, labor, and money to make exhibitions or performances happen. We hope this grant will help offset some of that.

What it is:

A $300 good-faith grant for artists and curators who are realizing a project in the greater Buffalo area. This is no-strings-attached money that an artist or curator can use in whatever way they feel it’s needed.

What we fund:

Exhibitions, performances, or other projects that contribute to the visual arts in Buffalo. 

Your project must: 

  • Include at least one public event (an opening, a performance, etc)

  • Take place within three months (in the past or forthcoming) from the application date. IE: You could apply with a project that took place up to three months ago or a project that will take place in up to three months.

How to Apply:

You can apply online! Applications are due midnight on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.

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