After a long winter, at Open Essex we're opening up our outdoor spaces for art! Come by for our open-air art fair, where artists will take over our parking lot with outdoor booth spaces. We'll also have food, music, activities for kids, and all kinds of surprises. This is a great opportunity to learn about what’s going on at Essex Art Center, BICA, BICA School and with artists who live and work in our neighborhood.
Installations and artworks for sale by JP4Hire, Sarah Fonzi, Casey Mark Schultz, Robert Rusch, Way2WavyBaby, Nando Alvarez-Perez, Alison from Earth, Shyanna Merced, Natalie Hayes & Lucas Cook, Kyla Kegler, Nick Mass, Chango, Stick Figure Guy and Emily Constantin
Food and Bev provided by Usonia Wine and Oralia, Northern Mexican Cuisine
All-day open rehearsal of The Frontier, a new work by Kyla Kegler
All-day DJ set by Chango4
A kid and adult friendly craft activity led by BICA School